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BODY WITHOUT SOUL is equally manipulative and usesthe same loud Requiem. This time the focus is on how the boys are manipulatedand apparently abused in the porn industry, also with the Germans cast asthe devils behind it all. The head pornographer does autopsies for a living,which allows the director to cut between the pornographer cutting up fleshand directing the boys like pieces of meat. Often,when the director isn't bashing you over the head with his point, the boysmanage to say something of real interest, though. Prague beckons boys from their poverty to the promise of a better life.With each arriving train another innocent steps off into a maelstrom andthe new 'rabbit' is quickly lured into the world of drugs andprostitution. In this beautiful but brutal city, there is no shortage ofbuzards circling, watching and waiting for the wounded. Once again directorWicktor Grodecki has created an unflinching and all too real look at thesex trade that grabs your heart and leads you through the horrific lifethese boys are forced to endure.

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