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It didn't take him long to realize it would never happen, since in his own words 'He's straight. Subverted in Exiles: Morph had a crush on teammate Sunfire without realizing she was a lesbian.Įnd of story.' (It was only introduced to squash fan speculation that Iceman might be gay.) Ironically, that fan speculation turned out to be dead on, since Iceman was outed as gay a few years later.(Well, accepted it wholeheartedly after giving the ' Hey, I'm a shapeshifter, I can do lesbian' line a shot.) When she made The Reveal, he accepted it wholeheartedly and continued to act as a brother figure to her, even supporting her relationship with Spider-Woman. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 comics female Slayer Satsu falls in love with Buffy and they have sex at least twice.But Kennedy, another lesbian Slayer, dissuades Satsu from pursuing a relationship with her. Why? Because she claims that ultimately, Buffy is straight.

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