The series revolves around 25 year old Andrew (Andy) Oleander, a grad school student just trying to kick off his career out in the real world. #Gay furry porn comics internship volume 2 series# Is he willing to take the risk for a fantastic new job, or has he found new reasons to invest himself? When a bet from Cooper Estevez, an old frenemy, backfires, he finds himself being given an offer he can't refuse from an older gentleman named Emery Waldren. The story follows the Love Triangle between Andy, Cooper, and Emery. Andy will face new experiences as well as learning to follow his heart as he grows throughout the series. He will have to choose between his long-time Childhood Friend Cooper who he has been harboring feelings for but knows he isn't ready to come out yet, and the wealthy C.E.O. Abusive Parents: Cooper grew up with an abusive father who was a heavy drinker and strongly homophobic.Įmery who offers him an internship at his company with some fun on the side as well as gradually charming him and sweeping him off his feet.Needless to say, it left him pretty broken, even after his death. #Gay furry porn comics internship volume 2 series#.#Gay furry porn comics internship volume 2 code#.#Gay furry porn comics internship volume 2 update#.